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Number of items: 76.


Anjum, Javad and Kumar, Vijay and Hallowell, Brooke (2010) Research and clinical interactions with people from India with aphasia: A primer for North Americans. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Babbitt, Edna and Cherney, Leora (2010) Psychometric Properties of the Communication Confidence Rating Scale for Aphasia (CCRSA): Phase 2. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Baker, Julie and Fridriksson, Julius (2010) Using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to treat persons with aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Ball, Angel and de Riesthal, Michael (2010) Use of video technology for verbal repetition in modified ACT and CART. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Beeson, Pelagie and O'Bryan, Erin and Henry, Maya and Rising, Kindle and Kim, Esther (2010) A Framework to Guide Treatment Planning in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Borsenik, Nicole and Greenwald, Margaret (2010) Discussion of Poetry Facilitates Expressive Language in Non-fluent Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Boyle, Mary (2010) Stability of Word Retrieval and Discourse Measures in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Carling-Rowland, Alexandra (2010) Capacity Assessment and Aphasia: Challenges in Meeting the Needs of Diverse Stakeholders. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Carter, Matthew and Hough, Monica (2010) The effects of ISI and prime modality in a semantic priming task. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Cherney, Leora and Oehring, Ann and Whipple, Keith and Rubenstein, Ted (2010) Patient-reported outcomes following a drama class for individuals with chronic aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Cho, Hyesuk and Rapcsak, Steve and Beeson, PĂ©lagie (2010) Neural substrates of orthographic processing: Are they specific to written language? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Choe, Yu-kyong and Stanton, Kristine (2010) The Effect of Visual Cues Provided by Computerized Aphasia Treatment. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Choy, Jungwon and Thompson, Cynthia (2010) Effects of lexical processing deficits on agrammatic sentence comprehension: An eyetracking study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Davis, Cameron and Molitoris, John and Newhart, Melissa and Bahrainwala, Zainab and Khurshid, Shaan and Heidler-Gary, Jennifer and Ross, Elliott and Hillis, Argye (2010) Areas of Right Hemisphere Ischemia Associated with Impaired Comprehension of Affective Prosody in Acute Stroke. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Den Ouden, Dirk-Bart and Riley, Ellyn and Lukic, Sladjana and Thompson, Cynthia (2010) Neural Mechanisms of Verb Argument Structure Training in Agrammatic Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Dorry, Jacqueline and Hough, Monica (2010) The effect of word familiarity and treatment approach on word retrieval skills in aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

DuBay, Michaela and Laures-Gore, Jacqueline (2010) Coping Resources in Individuals with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Duff, Melissa and Hengst, Julie and Gupta, Rupa and Tranel, Daniel and Cohen, Neal (2010) Distributed impact of cognitive-communication impairment: Disruptions in the use of definite references when speaking to individuals with amnesia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Duffy, Joe and Fossett, Tepanta and Thomas, Jack (2010) Aphasia Care in the Acute Hospital: Challenges and Opportunities. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Edmonds, Lisa and Garvan, Cynthia and Miller, David (2010) Evaluating the use of An Object and Action Naming Battery for Spanish/English bilingual adults: An item and participant analysis. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Elman, Roberta and Larsen, Sasha (2010) Computer and Internet Use Among People with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Fahey, Carmen and Blake, Margaret (2010) Comprehension and Egocentrism with Right Hemisphere Damage. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Falcon, Marahu and Kurland, Jacquie (2010) Crosslinguistic generalization as a result of intensive language treatment in an individual with bilingual aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Faroqi-Shah, Yasmeen (2010) Magnetoencephalographic evidence of neural plasticity following aphasia therapy. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Faroqi-Shah, Yasmeen and Frymark, Tobi and Mullen, Robert and Wang, Beverly (2010) Evidence Based Systematic Review of Aphasia Therapy for bilingual individuals. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Fergadiotis, Gerasimos and Harris Wright, Heather and Capilouto, Gilson (2010) Productive Vocabulary across Discourse Types. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Fink, Ruth (2010) Evaluating technology for rehabilitation: A model for promoting programmatic research. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Franklin, Sue and Burke, Kiernan and Gowan, Olive (2010) Information for goal setting: use of a passive digital camera (SenseCam). [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Franklin, Sue and MacNamara, Judy Gerd and Wright, Aileen (2010) Phonological output errors in conduction aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Goral, Mira and Kempler, Daniel (2010) Improving verb production in non-fluent aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Gordon, Jean K. (2010) Word retrieval in aging: An exploration of task effects. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Harris, Joyce L. (2010) Toward More Inclusive Caseloads: Considerations from African American Informants. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Harris Wright, Heather and Capilouto, Gilson (2010) Stories, Attention, Memory and Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Henry, Maya L. and Cattaruzza, Tatiana and Wilson, Stephen M. and Ogar, Jennifer M. and Rankin, Katherine P. and Miller, Bruce L. and Seeley, William W. and Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa (2010) Neuropsychological, Behavioral, and Anatomical Evolution in Right Temporal Variant Frontotemporal Dementia: A Longitudinal Single Case Analysis. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hough, Monica and King, Kristin (2010) Traumatic Brain Injury: Episodes of Retrieval Failure. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hula, William and Ross, Katherine and Austermann Hula, Shannon and Wambaugh, Julie and Schumacher, James and Doyle, Patrick (2010) Validity of and Agreement Between Self- and Surrogate-Reported Communicative Functioning in Persons with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hunting Pompon, Rebecca and Silkes, JoAnn and Kendall, Diane and Bacon Moore, Anna (2010) Exploring the relationship between high level anomia, attention and automatic vs. controlled processing: a retrospective data analysis. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Ivanova, Maria and Hallowell, Brooke (2010) An Eye-Tracking Method to Investigate Working Memory in Individuals with and without Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Kalinyak-Fliszar, Michelene and Martin, Nadine and Kohen, Francine (2010) Remediation of language processing in aphasia: Improving activation and maintenance of linguistic representations in (verbal) short-term memory. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Kendall, Diane and del Toro, Christina and Nadeau, Stephen and Johnson, Jessica and Rosenbek, John and Velozo, Craig (2010) The development of a standardized assessment of phonology in aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Kim, Esther and Rising, Kindle and Rapcsak, Steven and Beeson, Pelagie (2010) MOR evidence for the therapeutic value of multiple oral re-reading. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Kurczek, Jake and Duff, Melissa (2010) Coherence, cohesion, and declarative memory: Discourse patterns in patients with hippocampal amnesia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Lasker, Joanne and Garrett, Kathryn (2010) Construct Validity of the AAC-Aphasia Framework: Partner Dependent and Independent Communicators. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Le, Karen and Mozeiko, Jennifer and Coelho, Carl and Grafman, Jordan and Krueger, Frank (2010) Measuring Goodness of Story Narratives: Implications for Traumatic Brain Injury. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Lee, Jiyeon and Thompson, Cynthia (2010) Real-time production of unaccusative vs. unergative sentences in normal and agrammatic speakers: an eyetracking study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Lorenzen, Bonnie and Murray, Laura (2010) Physical fitness training for persons with aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Lundgren, Kristine and Brownell, Hiram and Cayer-Meade, Carol and Milione, Janet and Kearns, Kevin and Katz, Douglas (2010) Metaphor Interpretation Training for Patients with TBI: Preliminary Results. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Martin, Nadine and Kohen, Francine and Kalinyak-Fliszar, Michelene (2010) A processing approach to the assessment of language and verbal short-term memory in aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Mayer, Jamie and Murray, Laura and Bishop, Lilli (2010) APT-II training in CADASIL: Can a Behavioral Treatment Build Cognitive Reserve? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

McNeil, Malcolm and Kim, Aelee and Lim, KyoungYuel and Pratt, Sheila and Kendall, Diane and Pompon, Rebecca H. and Szuminsky, Neil and Fassbinder, Wiltrud and Sung, Jee Eun and Kim, Hyun Seung and Hamer, Kristen and Dickey, Michael (2010) Automatic activation, interference and facilitation effects in persons with aphasia and normal adult controls on experimental CRTT-R-Stroop tasks. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Milsark, Gary and Kohen, Francine and Martin, Nadine and Concha, Amanda and Wheeler, Alexis (2010) The effect of syntactic and semantic argument structure on sentence production in aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Molitoris, John and Seay, Margaret and Crinion, Jennifer and Newhart, Melissa and Davis, Cameron and Hillis, Argye (2010) The Role of Brodmann Area 47 in Acute Stroke Patients with Language Impairment. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Mozeiko, Jennifer and Le, Karen and Coelho, Carl and Grafman, Jordan and Krueger, Frank (2010) The relationship of executive function and story grammar measures of discourse following penetrating head injury. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Munoz, Maria (2010) Reducing perseverations in a Spanish speaker with aphasia: A case study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Newhart, Melissa and Cloutman, Lauren and Davis, Cameron and Molitoris, John and Hillis, Argye (2010) Asyntactic comprehension and working memory in Broca's aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Olness, Gloria and Englebretson, Elise (2010) On "Making Points" with Narratives: The Semantics of Prominence Assignment in Narratives of Speakers with Aphasia:. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Park, Hyejin and Rogalski, Yvonne and Rodriguez, Amy and Zlatar, Zvinka and Benjamin, Michelle and Rosenbek, John and Crosson, Bruce and Reilly, Jamie (2010) Characterizing Nonfluent Speech in Aphasia: Variables that Affect Rater Judgment. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Purves, Barbara and Ostberg, Heidi (2010) Intersections of Metaphorical and Literal Voice in Aphasia Intervention. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Raymer, Anastasi and McKean, Sarah and Hill, Erin (2010) Quality of Systematic Reviews of Treatment Studies in Neurogenic Communication Disorders. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Rogalski, Yvonne and Altmann, Lori and Sherman, Lauren and Reilly, Jamie and Rosenbek, John (2010) Effects of Two Different Studying Techniques on Immediate and Delayed Text Recall in Older Adults. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Rose, Miranda (2010) Examining the potency of verb retrieval treatments in aphasia: The components matter- A pilot study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Ross, Katherine B. and LaPointe, Leonard L. and Katz, Richard C. (2010) Risk Factors for Depression in Aphasia: Clinical Implications. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Ruiter, Marina and Kolk, Herman and Rietveld, Toni (2010) Speaking in ellipses: The effect of a compensatory style of speech on functional communication in chronic agrammatism. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Salis, Christos and Edwards, Susan (2010) Understanding of auditory discourse in older adults: the effect of syntax. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Simmons-Mackie, Nina and Holland, Audrey (2010) Aphasia Centers in North America: A Survey. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

South, Angela and Orange, J.B. (2010) Discourse Production in Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Sung, Jee Eun and McNeil, Malcolm and Dickey, Michael (2010) The Effects of Locality on Sentence Comprehension in Persons with Aphasia and Normal Elderly Individuals. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Togher, Leanne and McDonald, Skye and Tate, Robyn and Power, Emma and Rietdijk, Rachel (2010) Communication skills of people with severe traumatic brain injury can be improved by training everyday communication partners: Findings from a single-blind multi-centre clinical trial. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Tompkins, Connie A. and Blake, Margaret L. (Peggy) and Wambaugh, Julie and Meigh, Kimberly (2010) Treatment for language comprehension processes in right hemisphere brain damage: Phase I data. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Troche, Joshua and Biun, David and Martin, Nadine and Finney, Glenn and Heilman, Ken and Reilly, Jamie (2010) Structured Language Intervention for a Case of Advanced Frontotemporal Dementia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Tseng, Chin-Hsing and Ling-Ju, Yen (2010) Can Training Make Multidimensional Scoring More Accurate? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Walker, Judy and Wiehn, Meagan and Pratt, Nancy (2010) Vowel Quality in Lexical Stress Productions of LHD and RHD Subjects. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Wambaugh, Julie and Nessler, Christina and Cameron, Rosalea and Mauszycki, Shannon (2010) Effects of Repeated Practice and Practice Plus Pacing Control on Sound Production Accuracy in Acquired Apraxia of Speech. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Welsh, Jessica Dionne and Szabo, Gretchen Beideman (2010) A teaching model to improve nursing assistants’ knowledge of aphasia and communication strategies. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Yoo, Hyunsoo and Dickey, Michael (2010) Factors relevant to investigating working memory and sentence comprehension in aging. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Youmans, Scott and Youmans, Gina and Hancock, Adrienne (2010) Variables Predicting the Social Validity of Treatment. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

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