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Barnes, Scott and Ferguson, Alison (2013) Conversation partner responses to problematic talk produced by people with aphasia: Some alternatives to repair. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Boyle, Mary (2013) Stability of a Measure of Lexica Diversity (D) in Narrative Discourse. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Brookshire, Carmel Elizabeth and Hunting Pompon, Rebecca and Oelke, Megan and Kendall, Diane (2013) Effects of Phonomotor Treatment on the Reading Abilities of Individuals with Aphasia and Phonological Alexia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Byom, Lindsey and Turkstra, Lyn (2013) The Effect of Cognitive Load on Discourse Fluency in Women with TBI. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Cannito, Michael P. and Strauss Hough, Monica and Dressler, Richard and Buder, Eugene H. (2013) Characteristics of Polysyllabic Word Repetitions in Individuals with Fluent and Nonfluent Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Carr, Shannon and Wallace, Sarah E. (2013) Effects of Semantic + Multimodal Communication Program for Switching Behavior in Moderate-Severe Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Cherney, Leora R. and Kaye, Roz C. and Lee, Jaime B. and Van Vuuren, Sarel (2013) Acquisition, Maintenance and Generalization of Script Training: A Comparison of Errorful and Error-Reducing Conditions. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Cotton Christensen, Stephanie and Harris Wright, Heather (2013) Effort Invested in Cognitive Tasks by Adults with Aphasia: A Pilot Study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Czimskey, Natalie Marie and Marquardt, Thomas P. (2013) The Effect of Emotion on Verbal Recall in Traumatic Brain Injury. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
DeDe, Gayle (2013) Effects of Verb Bias and Syntactic Ambiguity on Reading in People with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
DeDe, Gayle and Knilans, Jessica and Ricca, Matthew and Trubl, Brittany (2013) Construct Validity and Reliability of Working Memory Tasks for People with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Dietz, Aimee Rebekah and Knollman-Porter, Kelly and Hux, Karen (2013) Supported Reading Comprehension for People with Aphasia: Photographic and Linguistic Supports. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Dietz, Aimee Rebekah and Weissling, Kristy and Griffith, Julie and McKelvey, Miechelle (2013) Personalizing AAC for People with Aphasia: The Role of Text and Pictures. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Duffy, Joseph R. and Strand, Edythe E. and Whitwell, Jennifer L. and Josephs, Keith A. (2013) Progressive Apraxia of Speech: Might There Be Subtypes? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Edmonds, Lisa A. and Ojeda, Jimena and Mammino, Kevin and Wu, Sam (2013) The effects of Verb Network Strengthening Treatment on a group of persons with aphasia: Replication and extension of previous findings. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Ferguson, Alison and Spencer, Elizabeth and Bryant, Lucy and Craig, Hugh and Colyvas, Kim and Worrall, Linda (2013) Propositional Idea Density: Computerized analysis to determine effects of presence and severity of aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Fromm, David A. and Forbes, Margaret and Holland, Audrey and MacWhinney, Brian (2013) PWAs and PBJs: Language for describing a simple procedure. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Furnas, Daniel Wade and Edmonds, Lisa A. (2013) The Effect of Computerized Verb Network Strengthening Treatment on Lexical Retrieval in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Galletta, Elizabeth E. and Campanelli, Luca and Maul, Kristen K. and Barrett, A.M. (2013) Assessment of Neglect Dyslexia with Functional Materials. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Godecke, Erin and Armstrong, Elizabeth and Hersh, Deborah and Bernhardt, Julie (2013) Learned communicative non-use is a reality in very early aphasia recovery: Preliminary results from an ongoing observational study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Gray, Teresa (2013) Cognitive control in bilingual aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Haley, Katarina L. and Jacks, Adam and Roth, Heidi L. and Truong, Young (2013) Quantitative speech production profiles and focal left hemisphere lesion. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Hallowell, Brooke and Heuer, Sabine and Shaw, Vanessa (2013) Concurrent validation of an eyetracking-based method for assessing attention allocation. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Harnish, Stacy M. and Morgan, Jodi and Singletary, Floris and Gonzalez-Rothi, Leslie and Crosson, Bruce (2013) Dosing of a cued picture naming treatment for anomia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Henry, Maya L and Beeson, Pelagie M and Z Rapcsak, Steven and Babiak, Miranda and Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa (2013) Phonological processing in primary progressive aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Hoover, Elizabeth Louise and Waters, Gloria and Caplan, David and Carney, Anne (2013) An Intensive, Interdisciplinary Treatment Program for Persons with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Howard, David and Morris, Julie and Buerk, Frauke (2013) Semafore: preliminary results. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Hsu, Chien-Ju and Thompson, Cynthia K (2013) Analyzing agrammatic narrative production using Northwestern Narrative Language Analysis (NNLA) and Computerized Language Analysis (CLAN): A qualitative and quantitative comparison. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Hula, William and Kellough, Stacey (2013) Development and simulation testing of a computerized adaptive version of the Philadelphia Naming Test. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Husak, Ryan S and Marshall, Robert C (2013) Assessing Responsiveness to RET by Individuals with Chronic Non-fluent Aphasia: A Clinical Perspective. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Hyun, Jung Min and Sung, Jee Eun and Jeong, Jee Hyang and Kang, Hee Jin and Kim, Hee-Jin (2013) Deficits of case marker processing in persons with mild cognitive impairment. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Jacks, Adam and Haley, Katarina L. and Truong, Young Kinh-Nhue (2013) Effects of auditory masking on speech fluency in aphasia and apraxia of speech: Immediate and delayed responses. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Kagan, Aura and Simmons-Mackie, Nina and Hoch, Jeffery and Victor, J Charles and Mok, Ada and Kant, Lee-ann and Sharp, Shelley and Streiner, David (2013) Measuring quality of life for an economic evaluation of aphasia: First steps. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Kalinyak-Fliszar, Michelene and Kohen, Francine and Benetello, Anna and Martin, Nadine (2013) Cross-structural priming in sentences with verb particles and verb prepositions: A replication. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Karow, Colleen M. and Helm-Estabrooks, Nancy (2013) Non-Dominant Hand Performance on the Rey Complex Figure Test across Five Age Groups. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Kellough, Stacey and Hula, William D. and Doyle, Patrick J. (2013) Development and Simulation Testing of a Computerized Adaptive Measure of Communicative Functioning in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Kendall, Diane L and Brookshire, Carmel and Oelke, Megan and Nadeau, Stephen (2013) Phonomotor rehabilitation of anomia in aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Kiran, Swathi and Des Roches, Carrie and Balanchandran, Isabel and Ascenso, Elsa (2013) Validation of an iPAD based therapy for language and cognitive rehabilitation in individuals with brain damage. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Krishnan, Gopee and Karanth, Prathibha (2013) Qualitative analyses of verbal fluency performance in persons with right hemisphere damage. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Laures-Gore, Jacqueline and DeFife, Lauren (2013) Perceived stress and depression in stroke patients with and without aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Le, Karen and Coelho, Carl and Mozeiko, Jennifer and Krueger, Frank and Grafman, Jordan (2013) The relationship between brain volume loss in TBI and measures of cognition and narrative discourse. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Maas, Edwin and Mailend, Marja-Liisa and Guenther, Frank (2013) Feedback and Feedforward Control in Speech Production in Apraxia of Speech and Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
MacKenzie, Shannon Brooke and Love, Tracy and Gutierrez, Roberto and Walenski, Matthew and Shapiro, Lew (2013) Comprehension of Who and Which-NP questions: Which Account do the Data Support? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Mack, Jennifer and Meltzer-Asscher, Aya and Dove, Sarah and Weintraub, Sandra and Mesulam, Marsel and Thompson, Cynthia K. (2013) Word-finding pauses in primary progressive aphasia (PPA): Effects of lexical category. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Marshall, Robert Carl and Karow, Colleen M. (2013) Rubric scoring of a clinical test of executive functioning. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Martin, Nadine and Kohen, Francine P. and Kalinyak-Fliszar, Michelene and Guerrero, Mary (2013) Comprehension of sentences with reversible semantic roles is sensitive to phonological STM capacity. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Mayer, Jamie (2013) Phonological alexia and agraphia: Should we remediate phonological awareness, phonological memory, or both? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Meulenbroek, Peter Andrew and Togher, Leanne and Turkstra, Lyn (2013) Functional Workplace Communication Elicitation for Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Park, Hyejin and Edmonds, Lisa A. (2013) Comparing Semantic and Syntactic Expectation between Verbs and Thematic Roles: Evidence from Eyetracking. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Raymer, Anastasia Marie and Simone, Stacy and Kenagy, Jordan and Smith, Kimberly G. (2013) Word Retrieval Treatments for Aphasia: Connected Speech Outcomes. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Reber, Alisson and Kurland, Jacquie (2013) More to Language than Picture Naming: Norms and Patient Data for a Verb Generation Task. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Rising, Kindle and Beeson, Pelagie M. (2013) A Treatment Sequence for “Phonological Aphasias”: Strengthening the Core Deficit. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Rodriguez, Amy D. and Worrall, Linda and McKinnon, Eril and Grohn, Brooke and Brown, Kyla and Van Hees, Sophia and Dignam, Jade and Copland, David (2013) Therapeutic effect of an intensive, comprehensive aphasia program: Aphasia LIFT. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Rose, Miranda Lee and Attard, Michelle Christine and Mok, Zaneta and Lanyon, Lucette and Foster, Abby (2013) Multi-modality aphasia therapy is as efficacious as constraint induced aphasia therapy for chronic aphasia: A phase 1 study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Ross, Katie and Hollingsworth, Amber L. and de Riesthal, Michael and Irwin, Billy (2013) Cortical Stimulation and Language Outcomes in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Rutledge, Stefanie and Murray, Laura L. (2013) Reading Comprehension and Parkinson's Disease. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Salvatore, Anthony P. and Bene, Edina R. (2013) Comparison of performance of concussed and non-concussed individuals on Subtest VIII of the C-RTT. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Sandberg, Chaleece W. and Kiran, Swathi (2013) Changes in Functional Connectivity Associated with Direct Training and Generalization Effects of a Theory-Based Generative Naming Treatment. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Shuster, Linda and Cottrill, Claire (2013) Exploring the Relationship Between Ease of Articulation and Treatment for AOS. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Simmons-Mackie, Nina and Worrall, Linda and Savage, Meghan (2013) Conversation Therapy for Aphasia: A Survey. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Sobel, Dorian and Lehman Blake, Margaret and Ott, Summer (2013) Heading and cognitive performance in female collegiate soccer players. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Spencer, Elizabeth and Ferguson, Alison and Craig, Hugh and Colyvas, Kim (2013) Propositional Idea Density in written descriptions of health: Potential clinical applications. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Spratt, Jillian K. and Roberts, Angela and Eaton, Bracia and Medzon, Debra and Orange, J.B. (2013) A multimodal neurolinguistic treatment approach for conduction aphasia: A single case study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Streit Olness, Gloria and Gober, Julie Marie (2013) Mild Conduction Aphasia and Narrative Functionality: Beyond the Assessment of Impairment (A Case Study). [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Sung, Jee Eun and Kwag, Eun Jung (2013) Differential patterns of noun-verb naming and the verb argument complexity in persons with aphasia and normal elderly adults. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Sung, Jee Eun and Kyung Kim, Jin and Hyang Jeong, Jee (2013) Working Memory Capacity and its Relation to Passive Sentence Comprehension in Persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Taylor, Anna and Strauss Hough, Monica (2013) Use of Drawing to Improve Word Retrieval in Chronic Nonfluent Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Tesla DeMarco, Andrew and Rising, Kindle and Rapcsak, Steve Z. and Wilson, Stephen M. and Pélagie, Beeson M. (2013) Neural Substrates of Improvement Following Treatment in a Case of Phonological Agraphia/Alexia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Tompkins, Connie A. and Blake, Margaret T. and L Scharp, Victoria and Meigh, Kimberly M. and Wambaugh, Julie L. (2013) Implicit Treatment of Underlying Comprehension Processes Improves Narrative Comprehension in Right Hemisphere Brain Damage. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Vallila Rohter, Sofia and Kiran, Swathi (2013) Learning ability as a predictor of success with therapy. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Vickers, Candace P. and Hagge, Darla K. (2013) Tracking social connection versus isolation in aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Wallace, Sarah E. and Purdy, Mary (2013) The Feasibility of a Multimodal Communication Treatment for Aphasia during Inpatient Rehabilitation. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Wambaugh, Julie and Nessler, Christina and Wright, Sandra and Mauszycki, Shannon (2013) Sound Production Treatment: Investigation of Blocked and Random Practice Effects. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Wilkins, Abigail R. and Kurland, Jacquie and Stokes, Polly E. (2013) iPractice: The effectiveness of a tablet-based home program in aphasia treatment. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Winans-Mitrik, Ronda and Schumacher, James and Hula, William and Dickey, Michael and Doyle, Patrick (2013) Description of an Intensive Residential Aphasia Treatment Program: Rationale, Clinical Processes, and Outcomes. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Worrall, Linda and Ganzfried, Ellayne and Simmons-Mackie, Nina and Hinckley, Jacqueline and Wallace, Sarah (2013) Aphasia United - A Unified Voice for Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Worrall, Linda Elizabeth and Thomas, Emma Elizabeth and Rohde, Alexia and Rose, Miranda and Togher, Leanne and Ferguson, Alison (2013) Better pathways for people with aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
van de Sandt-Koenderman, Mieke and van der Meulen, Ineke and Heijenbrok-Kal, Majanka and Visch-Brink, Evy G. and M Ribbers, Gerard (2013) Melodic Intonation Therapy in subacute aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]