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Clinical Aphasiology Paper

Aichert, Ingrid and Ziegler, Wolfram (2006) Influence of sublexical frequencies on the speech production in aphasia and apraxia of speech. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Alarie-Bibeau, Lynne and Davis, G. Albyn and Clifton, Charles and Freyman, Richard (2006) The influence of strategy on lexical access in aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Alasseri, Areej and Pell, Marc (2006) Influence of Emotionality on Discourse Production in Aphasia: A Stimulus Validation Study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Armstrong, Linda and Brady, Marian and Mackenzie, Catherine and Norrie, John (2006) Evaluating a transcription-less approach to the analysis of aphasic discourse. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Bourgeois, Michelle and Lenius, Kerry and Turkstra, Lyn (2006) Spaced Retrieval Teletherapy for persons with chronic TBI. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Bowes, Kelly and Martin, Nadine Martin (2006) Rehabilitation of reading and writing using a bigraph-phoneme correspondence approach: Longitudinal evidence from a single case study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Burgat, Laurence and Murray, Micah M. and Clarke, Stephanie (2006) Electrophysiological correlates of syntactic and semantic processing in the healthy and damaged brain. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Claire, Croteau and Genevieve, Baril and Eve, Nadeau and Claudia, Morin and Guylaine, Le Dorze (2006) Development of a procedure for the evaluation of spouses' and persons with aphasia's contributions an interview situation. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Coelho, Carl and Mozeiko, Jennifer and Raymont, Vanessa and Grafman, Jordan (2006) Analysis of brain lesions associated with narrative discourse impairments following penetrating head injury. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Correll, Anna and Scholten, Ingrid and van Steenbrugge, Willem (2006) Communication between individuals with severe aphasia and their partners: A brief, early intervention. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Corsten, Sabine and Mende, Markus and Cholewa, Jürgen and Huber, Walter (2006) Treatment of phonological impairments: A single case study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Croot, Karen and van Heyst, Jocelyn and Deacon, Bronwyn and Law, Stephanie (2006) Impairment-based therapy for apraxia of speech: a single case study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Cruice, Madeline and Hill, Ruth and Worrall, Linda and Hickson, Louise (2006) To what extent can we rely on the views of family members and friends when it comes to understanding aphasic people’s quality of life? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

DeDe, Gayle and Caplan, David and Waters, Gloria (2006) Effects of prosody and transitivity biases in auditory syntactic ambiguity resolution. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Deal, Rachel and Hough, Monica and Hudson, Suzanne and Rastatter, Michael and Walker, Marianna and King, Kristin (2006) Relationship Between Post-Traumatic Amnesia Duration and Pragmatics After Brain Injury. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Dickey, Michael Walsh and O'Connor, Janet and Thompson, Cynthia K. (2006) The functional relation between syntactic and morphological recovery in aphasia: A case study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Duff, Melissa and Hengst, Julie and Tranel, Daniel and Cohen, Neal (2006) Talking across time: Use of reported speech as a communicative resource in amnesia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Edmonds, Lisa and Kiran, Swathi (2006) The Effects of Verb Network Strengthening Treatment (VNeST) on Sentence Production in Persons with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Eidson, Sue Ann and Whiteside, Janet (2006) Efficacy of a Multisensory Approach to Acquired Alexia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Fahim, Donia and Lorch, Marjorie (2006) L3 Acquisition after Right-sided Closed Head Injury with Agraphia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Ferstl, Evelyn C. and Neumann, Jane and Bogler, Carsten and von Cramon, D. Yves (2006) The extended language network: A meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies on text comprehension. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Fink, Ruth and Bartlett, Megan and Schwartz, Myrna and Linebarger, Marcia (2006) Informativeness Ratings of Messages Created on an AAC Processing Prosthesis. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Fink, Ruth B. and Bartlett, Megan R. and Schwartz, Myrna F. and Linebarger, Marcia C. (2006) Informativeness Ratings of Messages Created on an AAC Processing Prosthesis. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Friedmann, Naama and Gvion, Aviah (2006) Is there a relation between working memory limitation and sentence comprehension? A study of conduction and agrammatic aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Gordon, Jean (2006) A contextual approach to facilitating word retrieval in non-fluent aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Grande, Marion and Hussmann, Katja and Bay, Elisabeth and Christoph, Swetlana and Piefke, Martina and Willmes, Klaus and Huber, Walter (2006) Measuring change in spontaneous speech production during the course of aphasia: Computer-assisted analysis of basic parameters. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Gravier, Michelle L. Gravier and Downey, *Ryan A. and Wright, *Heather H. and Love, *Tracy and Shapiro, *Lewis P. (2006) Processing Distinct Linguistic Information Types in Working Memory in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Grodzinsky, Yosef (2006) Cross-linguistic Comprehension Variation in Aphasia: New Results and Hints for a New Analysis. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Harris Wright, Heather and Capilouto, Gilson and Carrico, Jillian and Siever, Camilya (2006) Impact of Manipulating Task Instructions on Narrative Discourse Performance. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Heuer, Sabine and Hallowell, Brooke (2006) Influences of Image Characteristics on Visual Attention in a Multiple-choice Image Array with and without Presentation of a Verbal Stimulus. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Jaecks, Petra and Lingnau, Olaf (2006) Residual aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Johnson, Rachel and Strauss Hough, Monica and King, Kristin and Vos, Paul and Jeffs, Tara and Treole Cox, Kathleen and Culbertson, Deborah (2006) Functional Communication in Individuals with Chronic Severe Aphasia Using Augmentative Communication. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Kagan, Aura and Simmons-Mackie, Nina and O'Neill-Christie, Charlene and Shumway, Elise and Hicks, Jennifer and Huijbregts, Maria and McEwen, Sara and Sharp, Shelley and Threats, Travis (2006) A common framework for collecting evidence of real-life outcomes of aphasia interventions: thoughts and applications. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Kendall, Diane and Rosenbek, John and Heilman, Kenneth and Conway, Timothy and Klenberg, Karen and Gonzalez Rothi, Leslie and Nadeau, Steve (2006) Phonologic Rehabilitation of Anomia in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Kohen, Francine and Kalinyak-Flizar, Michelene and Reilly, Jamie and Martin, Nadine (2006) The Effect of Short-Term Memory on Measures of Semantic Knowledge. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

LaPointe, Leonard L. and Stierwalt, Julie A.G. and Hancock, Adrienne B. and Goff, Rachel and Heald, Gary R. (2006) Reaction Time Effects of Related and Unrelated Visual and Auditory Semantic Distraction on Picture Identification in Younger and Older Adults. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Laures-Gore, Jacqueline and Hamilton, Amy and Matheny, Ken (2006) Coping Resources, Perceived Stress, and Life Experiences in Individuals with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Law, Sam-Po (2006) A semantic treatment for Cantonese anomic individuals with different underlying impairments. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Lorenz, Antje and Nickels, Lyndsey (2006) Comparing phonological and orthographic cues in the treatment of word retrieval disorders in aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Maas, Edwin and Robin, Donald and Steinhauer, *Véronique and Magnuson, *Curt and Wright, *David and Ballard, *Kirrie (2006) Apraxia of Speech as an Impairment of Preprogramming. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Marshall, Robert and Freed, Donald and Karow, Colleen and McGurk, Susan (2006) Problem Solving by Participants with and without Neurological Damage on the Rapid Assessment of Problem Solving Test. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Mauszycki, Shannon and Wambaugh, Julie and Cameron, Rosalea (2006) Effects of Semantic Feature Analysis on Verb Production in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

McNeil, Malcolm and Eun Sung, Jee and Yang, Dorothy and Pratt, Sheila and Pavelko, Stacey and Fossett, Tepanta and Smolky, Brenda and Doyle, Patrick (2006) Comparing connected language elicitation procedures in persons with aphasia: Concurrent validation of the Story Retell Procedure. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Munoz, Maria and Powers, Heather (2006) A comparison of treatment outcomes following whole-task and part-task methods for training scripts. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Off, Catherine and Rogers, Margaret and Alarcon, Nancy (2006) Three Methods of Quantifying the Quality of Communication in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Olness, Gloria (2006) Structural Assessment of Narratives: Some Issues and Illustrative Data. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Ozge, Duygu and Tekman, Hasan Gurkan (2006) Comprehension of Turkish relative clauses in agrammatic Broca’s aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Page Sinotte, Michele and Coelho, Carl A. (2006) Direct attention training treatment for reading impairments in mild aphasia: A replication. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Papathanasiou, Ilias and Mesolora, Anthi and Mihou, Emilia and Papachristou, Georgia (2006) Elaborated Semantic Feature Analysis Treatment: Lexicality and Generalization effects in case with anoamic aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Peach, Richard (2006) Acquired dyslexia as conversion disorder: Identification and management. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Penn, Claire and Rootshtain, Tali (2006) Piloting of an Executive Battery for Individuals with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Poirier, Josee and Shapiro, Lewis and Love, Tracy and Swinney, David (2006) Verb Phrase Ellipsis: A Research Tool. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Reilly, Jamie and Grossman, Murray (2006) Toward the Development of a Cognitive-Linguistic Model of Semantic Dementia: Evidence from Lexical Processing. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Renvall, Kati and Laine, Matti and Martin, Nadine (2006) Treatment of anomia with contextual priming: Exploration of a modified procedure with additional semantic and phonological tasks. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Richter, Kerstin and Hielscher, Martina (2006) Diagnostic and therapy of acute aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Ruigendijk, Esther and Baauw, *Sergio and Sjerp, *Arlette (2006) Syntactic and Pragmatic aspects of Determiner and Pronoun Production in agrammatic Broca’s aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Scharp, Victoria and Tompkins, Connie and Fassbinder, Wiltrud and Meigh, Kimberly (2006) Right-brain-damaged adults' maintenance of activation for subordinate semantic features of words. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Scharp, Victoria and Tompkins, Connie and Iverson, *Jana (2006) Gesture and aphasia: Helping hands? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Schwitter, Valerie and Laganaro, Marina and Morand, Stephanie and Schnider, Armin (2006) Therapy for anomia in aphasic patients: behavioural and electrophysiological data. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Shadden, Barbara (2006) Using E-Mail Content to Analyze Family Adaptation to Aphasia over Time. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Springer, Luise (2006) The Impact of Interactivity and Modality on Language Performance in agrammatic and non-aphasic Participants. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Stark, Jacqueline and Viola, Márta Sarolta (2006) ANELT scale for understandability under scrutiny: What is „a little”, “medium”, “reasonable”, “good” in terms communicative effectiveness? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Szabo, Gretchen Beideman and Boyle, Mary (2006) Treatment for Inference Impairment: A Case Study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Theiner, Nicole and Miller, Nicholas (2006) Influences on speech output in acquired apraxia of speech: a comparison of English and German. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Thompson, Cynthia K. and Milman, Lisa H. and Dickey, Michael Walsh and O'Connor, Janet and Arcuri, Diane and Choy, Janet (2006) Treatment and Generalization of Functional Category Production in Agrammatic Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Tissen, Andrea and Weber, Sandra and Günther, Thomas (2006) The „Tree Pruning Hypothesis“ for Broca’s Aphasia in Bilingual Individuals. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Tompkins, Connie A. and Scharp, Victoria L. and Fassbinder, Wiltrud and Meigh, Kimberly M. and Armstrong, Elizabeth (2006) Right Hemisphere Damage and Theory of Mind Deficit: A Deficit in the Theory? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Wambaugh, Julie and Wright, Sandra (2006) Improved Effects of Word-Retrieval Treatments Subsequent to Addition of the Orthographic Form. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Worrall, Linda and Brown, Kyla and McGahan, Leslie and Alkhaledi, Maram and Seah, Denise (2006) Environmental factors that influence the community participation of adults with aphasia: The perspective of service industry workers. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Wunderlich, Anja and Wolfram, Ziegler (2006) Explicit and implicit facilitation of word production in spoken picture naming: The effectiveness of segmental cues and mouth-shape information. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Youse, Kathleen and Coelho, Carl (2006) Treatment of Conversational Discourse Following Closed-Head Injury. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

van der Merwe, Anita (2006) Self-correction in Apraxia of Speech: The effect of treatment. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

van der Meulen, Ineke and Houthuizen, Jane and van de Sandt-Koenderman, Mieke (2006) Communication profiles in severe aphasia: the roles of supportive strategies and of the communication partner. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

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