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Number of items: 83.


Beeson, Pelagie M. and Rising, Kindle and Rapcsak, Steven Z. (2011) Lexical Retrieval Treatment for Primary Progressive Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Behn, Nicholas and Togher, Leanne and Power, Emma (2011) Training paid caregivers to improve their conversations with people with traumatic brain injury (TBI). [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Bislick, Lauren Patricia and Oelke, Megan and Kendall, Diane L. (2011) Phonomotor Rehabilitation of Apraxia of Speech: A Phase II Study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Bogart, Elise and Togher, Leanne and Power, Emma and Docking, Kimberly (2011) Casual conversations between individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and their friends. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Bose, Arpita and Laird, Laura and Rochon, Elizabeth and Leonard, Carol (2011) Therapy outcome in two individuals with jargon aphasia and neologisms. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Brookshire, Carmel Elizabeth and Kendall, Diane and delToro, Christina (2011) Phonological Rehabilitation of Anomia and Alexia in an Individual with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Brown, Cassie and Wright, Heather Harris (2011) Emotion Recognition and Traumatic Brain Injury. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Buchwald, Adam and Miozzo, Michele (2011) Isolating the locus of articulation errors. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Capilouto, Gilson J. and Wright, Heather Harris and Bush, Heather M. (2011) The Influence of Memory and Attention Abilities on Picture Description Performance. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Cherney, Leora R. and Babbitt, Edie M. and Kim, Kwang-Youn and Hurwitz, Rosalind and Ngampatipatpong, Nattawut and van Vuuren, Sarel (2011) Aphasia Treatment over the Internet: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Cho-Reyes, Soojin and Wieneke, Christina and Weintraub, Sandra and Mesulam, M-Marsel and Thompson, Cynthia (2011) Sentence Comprehension and Production in Stroke-induced and Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA): The Northwestern Assessment of Verbs and Sentences (NAVS). [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Choe, Yu-kyong and Jung, Hee-Tae and Baird, Jennifer and Grupen, Roderic (2011) Interdisciplinary Stroke Rehabilitation Delivered by a Humanoid Robot: Simultaneous vs. Alternating Therapy Schedules. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Christensen, Stephanie Cotton and Wright, Heather Harris and Spahr, Anthony (2011) Cognitive Effort and Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Code, Chris and Ball, Martin J and Tree, Jeremy (2011) The Influence of Psycholinguistic Variables on Articulatory Errors in Naming in Progressive Motor Speech Degeneration. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Code, Chris and Ball, Martin J. and Tree, Jeremy (2011) The Influence of Psycholinguistic Variables on Articulatory Errors in Naming in Progressive Motor Speech Degeneration. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Connor, Lisa Tabor and Tucker, Frances M. and Cross, Jamie and Burch, Kari and Fucetola, Robert P. (2011) Constraint Treatment for Chronic Aphasia: Do Treatment Gains Generalize to Story Retelling? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


DeDe, Gayle (2011) Effects of Modality and Word Frequency in Sentence Comprehension in People with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Dorry, Jacqueline Frances and Hough, Monica Strauss (2011) The Rest of the Story: Effect of Subjective Familiarity on Word Retrieval Skills in Fluent Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Dickey, Michael Walsh and McNeil, Malcolm and Fassbinder, Wiltrud and Pratt, Sheila and Kendall, Diane and Krieger, Donald and Kim, Kyuoung Yuel and Kim, Ae-Lee and Szuminsky, Neil and Pompon, Rebecca Hunting (2011) Varieties of linguistic complexity in a standardized assessment of language performance. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

de Riesthal, Michael Robert (2011) Influence of the stimulus on verbal and nonverbal responses by individuals with and without aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

del Toro, Christina Maria and Crosson, Bruce and Edmonds, Lisa and Gonzalez-Rothi, Leslie and Kendall, Diane L. (2011) The Effects of Feature Type on Semantic Priming of Picture Naming in Normal Speakers. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Ferguson, Neina F and Evans, Kelli and Raymer, Anastasia (2011) A comparison of intention and pantomime gesture treatments for word retrieval in people with aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Falconer, Carolyn and Antonucci, Sharon (2011) Use of semantic feature analysis in group aphasia treatment: extension and expansion. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Fassbinder, Wiltrud and McNeil, Malcolm and Dickey, Michael and Lim, kyoungyuel and Pratt, Sheila and Kim, Aelee and Kendall, Diane and Pompon, Rebecca and Szuminsky, Neil (2011) Developing a standardized measure of short-term memory and syntactic complexity: results from subtests of the CRTT-R. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Fergadiotis, Gerasimos and Kapantzoglou, Maria and Wright, Heather Harris (2011) Discourse Coherence in Adults with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Ferrill, Michelle and Love-Geffen, Tracy and Shapiro, Lewis P. (2011) The time-course of lexical activation during sentence comprehension in aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Ganzfried, Ellayne S. and Symbolik, Stephen N. (2011) Aphasia Awareness Training for Emergency Responders: Train the Trainers. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Goff, Rachel A. and Hinckley, Jacqueline J. and Wingo, Brittany E. (2011) Examining Treatment Components: Interviews about Group Aphasia Therapy. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Gordon, Jean K. (2011) Neighborhood effects in aging and aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Grohn, Brooke and Worrall, Linda and Simmons-Mackie, Nina and Brown, Kyla (2011) The experience of people with aphasia during the first three months post stroke: What facilitates successful living? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Gupta, Rupa and Duff, Melissa C and Tranel, Daniel (2011) Focal ventromedial prefrontal cortex damage impairs convergence in discourse. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Gutierrez, Keila and Maas, Edwin and Ballard, Kirrie (2011) Phonological priming in apraxia of speech and aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Gutierrez, Roberto S. and Shapiro, Lewis P. (2011) A First Examination of Aphasia Using Pupillometry. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Hallowell, Brooke and Shaw, Vanessa and Heuer, Sabine and Schwartz, Frank (2011) Relationships of real-time glucose levels on cognitive-linguistic performance in adults with and without diabetes. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hayes, Rebecca Anne and Dickey, Michael Walsh (2011) The inner workings of working memory: Preliminary data from unimpaired populations. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Herlofsky, Stacey M. and Edmonds, Lisa (2011) Thematic Role Priming of Related Verbs: Effects of Multiple Primes. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hickey, Ellen M. and Lawrence, Merrilee and Landry, Amy (2011) Comparison of Expanded versus Equal Interval Recall Training in Persons with Dementia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hinckley, Jacqueline (2011) A Preliminary Model for Selecting Aphasia Treatment Type Based on Cognitive Profile. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]

Hoover, Elizabeth Louise and Waters, Gloria and Joshua, Levy and Kiran, Swathi and Caplan, David and Berardino, Alex and Sandberg, Chaleece (2011) Effects of Syntactic Complexity in Discourse Comprehension. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hula, William and Fergadiotis, Gerasimos and Martin, Nadine (2011) The Effects of Sample Size and Guessing on Parameter Recovery in IRT Modeling of Aphasia Test Data. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Ivanova, Maria V. and Heuer, Sabine and Hallowell, Brooke (2011) Exploring the Relationship between Working Memory Capacity and Attention Allocation in Persons with and without Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Jaecks, Petra (2011) Syntactic Priming in Sentence Comprehension. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Keegan, Louise C. and Ball, Martin J. and Müller, Nicole (2011) Investigation of the linguistic construction of Identity in Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Keelor, Jennifer Lee and Dietz, Aimee and Griffith, Julie and Hicks, Jessica and Reinstatler, Anna (2011) People with Aphasia: Knowledge of Restorative and Supported Reading Techniques. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Kendall, Diane L. and Brookshire, Carmel Elizabeth and Nadeau, Stephen E. (2011) Intensive phonological rehabilitation of anomia in four individuals with aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

King, Monique C. and Lukic, Sladjana and Weintraub, Sandra and Thompson, Cynthia K. (2011) Noun and Verb Production and Comprehension in Stroke-Induced and Primary Progressive Aphasia: An Introduction to the Northwestern Naming Battery. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Kiran, Swathi and Caplan, David and Sandberg, Chaleece and Levy, Joshua and Berardino, Alex (2011) Development Of A Theoretically Based Treatment For Sentence Comprehension Deficits In Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Kiran, Swathi and Grasemann, Uli and Sandberg, Chaleece and Miikkulainen, Risto (2011) Simulating Bilingual Aphasia Rehabilitation: Evidence from a computational model. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Knollman-Porter, Kelly and Dietz, Aimee and Lundeen, Kelly (2011) Severe Chronic Aphasia: An Intensive Treatment Protocol for Auditory Comprehension. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Laures-Gore, Jacqueline and Williams, Bryan L. and Wik-Hung, Pun (2011) Cortisol over time in stroke patients and its relation with language change. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Le, Karen and Coelho, Carl and Mozeiko, Jennifer and Krueger, Frank and Grafman, Jordan (2011) Predicting story goodness performance from cognitive measures following TBI. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Lee, Jiyeon and Thompson, Cynthia K. (2011) Noun and verb naming: Phonological facilitation effects on naming latencies and viewing times in agrammatic vs. anomic aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Lee, Jiyeon and Yoshida, Masaya and Thompson, Cynthia K. (2011) Time course of grammatical encoding in agrammatism. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Luna, Christina Z. (2011) Functional Communication in Chronic Aphasia and Executive Function: The Effect of Treating Cognitive Flexibility. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Mauszycki, Shannon C. and Wambaugh, Julie L. and Cameron, Rosalea M. (2011) Apraxia of Speech: Perceptual Analysis of Trisyllabic Words Across Repeated Sampling Occasions. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

McHose, Beth and Graham, Kimberly and Casselton, Colleen and Ambrose, Alexis and Azevedo, Zachary and Raymer, Anastasia Marie (2011) Effects of Contrasting Word Retrieval Treatments in Phonologic and Semantic Anomia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

McNeil, Malcolm Ray and Pratt, Sheila R. and Fassbinder, Wiltrud and Dickey, Michael Walsh and Kendall, Diane and Lim, Kyuong Yeul and Kim, Aelee and Pompon, Rebecca and Szuminsky, Neil and Krieger, Donald (2011) Effects of linguistic complexity and executive attentional demands on sentence comprehension in persons with aphasia and normal controls: Exploring on-line and offline measures with two reading versions of the Computerized Revised Token Test. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Minkina, Irene and Aslin, Richard N. and Salverda, Anne Pier and Tanenhaus, Michael K. (2011) Effects of Probabilistic Contingencies on Word Processing in an Artificial Lexicon. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Mok, Zaneta and Müller, Nicole (2011) Interpersonal processes among people with dementia: An application of Systemic Functional Linguistics. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Mozeiko, Jennifer and Coelho, Carl and Myers, Emily (2011) A comparison of intensity dosage for Constraint Induced Language Therapy in aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Murray, Laura (2011) Attention and Other Cognitive Deficits in Aphasia: Presence and Relation to Language and Communication Measures. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Olness, Gloria Streit and Kohn, Brittney and Garner, Jacqueline (2011) “Transmission of Significance”: On the Use of Evaluative Devices by African-American Narrators with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Penn, Claire and Archer, Brent (2011) Anomia in Sesotho: the role of parameters in therapy. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Patterson, Janet (2011) Stimulus parameters and performance accuracy in naming treatment: Effect of word class, familiarity rating, and embodiment group. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Power, Emma and Worrall, Linda (2011) Better pathways to living successfully with aphasia: Translating a national aphasia rehabilitation research program into clinical practice. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Riley, Ellyn and Thompson, Cynthia (2011) Effects of Phonological Complexity Training on Pseudoword Reading in Acquired Phonological Dyslexia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Rodriguez, Amy D. and Patel, Sona and Bashiti, Nour and Shrivastav, Rahul and Rosenbek, John C. (2011) The Effect of Incorporating Knowledge of Performance in the Treatment of Aprosodia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Salvatore, Anthony P. and Fjordbak, Bess Sirmon and Bene, Edina and Islas, Arthur (2011) Correlation between ImPACT reaction time and CRTT efficiency score in concussed athletes. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Shadden, Barbara B. (2011) Is Progress in the Eyes of the Beholder? Perceptions of Untrained Undergraduate Students vs. Involved Graduate Clinicians and Professionals. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Silva, Nicole A. and Kurland, Jacquie and Burke, Katherine and Andrianopoulos, Mary (2011) Constraint-Induced Language Therapy: Treatment Effects on Two Individuals with Moderate to Severe Aphasia and Apraxia of Speech. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Smith, Pamela A. (2011) Impact of distraction and memory on grammaticality judgment in a patient with aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Sperl, Angela (2011) The Effects of Name Agreement on Dual-Task Picture Naming. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Stark, Jacqueline Ann and Janker, Rebecca (2011) Lexical elaboration – A single case study of narratives produced two times in succession. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Sung, Jee Eun and Kim, Jinhee and Jeong, Jee Hyang (2011) Working memory and its relation to interference and facilitation effects on a Stroop task in persons with mild cognitive impairments and normal elderly adults. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Szeles, Dana and Harnish, Stacy and Rodriguez, Amy and Bowden, Fletcher and Uhazie, Stephanie and Gilbert, JoEllen and Hamm, Courtney and Rosenbek, John and Fernandes, Tiffany and Crosson, Bruce and Gonzalez-Rothi, Leslie and Conway, Tim (2011) Apraxia of Speech: Change in Error Consistency Following a Multimodal intensive Treatment (MMiT). [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Tierney, Carla Marie and Nicholas, Marjorie L. and Zipse, Lauryn (2011) Phonological Neighborhood Density Effects on Treatment of Naming in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Tseng, Chin-Hsing (2011) The Effectiveness of Melodic Intonation Therapy for Chinese Speakers with Non-fluent Aphasia: A Pilot Study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Walker, Grant M. and Jacobson, Rachel and Schwartz, Myrna F. (2011) Short-form Philadelphia Naming Test: Rationale and Empirical Evaluation. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Wallace, Sarah E. and Dietz, Aimee (2011) The Effect of Visuographic Context on the Auditory Comprehension of People with Chronic Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Wambaugh, Julie and Cameron, Rosalea and Nessler, Christina and Mauszycki, Shannon (2011) Effects of Repetition and Rate/Rhythm Treatments for Acquired Apraxia of Speech. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Whitaker, Ashley Marie and Marshall, Robert Carl (2011) Knowledge of Aphasia: Results of a Survey. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Wilkinson, Lindsey and Wambaugh, Julie and Nessler, Christina (2011) Application of Melodic Intonation Therapy Using Linguistic Principles: Acquisition and Generalization Effects. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Yoo, Hyun-Soo and Dickey, Michael Walsh (2011) Aging effects and working memory in garden-path sentence comprehension. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

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