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Number of items at this level: 52.

Allaire, Judith (2005) Functional generalization of skills in aphasia: a systematic review. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Armstrong, Elizabeth and Ulatowska, Hanna (2006) Making stories: The aphasia experience. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Avent, Jan (2005) Validation of the Importance of Information About Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Ballard, Kirrie and Maas, Edwin and Robin, Donald and Guo, Ling-Yu (2005) Treating Interarticulator Coordination in Apraxia of Speech with Variable Practice. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Bastiaanse, Roelien and Links, Petra and Hurkmans, Joost (2005) Treatment of verb production: A multiple single-case, multiple baseline study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Bennett, Jared and Wambaugh, Julie and Nesslar, Christina (2005) Stimulus Generalization Effects of Response Elaboration Training. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Bhawna, Jain (2005) Verb arguments and sentence production. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Blanchard, Adrienne A and Stierwalt, Julie AG and LaPointe, Leonard L and Whittington, Rachel M and Heald, Gary and Goff, Rachel A (2005) Reaction Time Effects Of Related And Unrelated Ambient Semantic Distraction On Picture Identification. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Capilouto, Gilson and Wright, Heather and Wagovich, Stacy (2005) Reliability of Main Event Measurement in the Discourse of Individuals with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Cherney, Leora and Babbitt, Edna and Oldani, Jodi and Semik, Patrick (2005) Efficacy of Repeated Choral Reading for Individuals with Chronic Nonfluent Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Croteau, Claire and Le Dorze, Guylaine (2005) Overprotection in conversation in couples with aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Davis, Christine and Majesky, Sheila (2005) Are speech errors produced initially prognostically significant at 8 months post stroke? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

DeDe, Gayle and Caplan, David and Waters, Gloria and Michaud, Jennifer and Reddy, Amanda (2005) Factors Underlying Sentence Comprehension in Older Adults and Patients with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

DeDe, Gayle and Caplan, David and Waters, Gloria and Michaud, Jennifer and Reddy, Amanda (2005) Sentence Comprehension in Aphasia: Stability of Performance. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Dickey, Michael W and Thompson, Cynthia K and Choy, JungWon J (2005) The on-line comprehension of wh- movement structures in agrammatic Broca’s aphasia: Evidence from eyetracking. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Doyle, Patrick and Matthews, Christine and Mikolic, Joseph and Hula, William and McNeil, Malcolm (2005) Three-Month SPICA and 55-Item RTT Scores Did Not Predict 12-Month Patient-Reported Communication Difficulty and Distress. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Edmonds, Lisa and Kiran, Swathi (2005) Effect of Semantic Naming Treatment on Crosslinguistic Generalization in Bilingual Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Ellis, Charles and Rosenbek, John and Rittman, Maude and Boylstein, Craig (2005) The Natural History of Cohesion in Narrative Discourse after Stroke. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Fassbinder, Wiltrud and Tompkins, Connie (2005) Hemispheric differences in word meaning processing: Alternative interpretations of current evidence. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Freedman, Skott and Maas, Edwin and Wulf, Gabriele and Caligiuri, Michael and Robin, Donald (2005) Effects of Attentional Focus on Oral-Motor Control and Learning. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Gordon, Jean (2005) A Quantitative Production Analysis of Picture Description. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hallowell, Brooke and Heuer, Sabine (2005) Eye tracking evaluation of clipart versus carefully designed images in multiple-choice image displays for comprehension assessment. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hengst, Julie (2005) “That mea::n dog”—Linguistic Mischief and Verbal Play as a Communicative Resource in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Herbert, Ruth and Best, Wendy (2005) Therapy for word-finding in aphasia: working at the syntactic level. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Heuer, Sabine and Hallowell, Brooke and Kruse, Hans (2005) Comparison of Eye Movement Indices of Multiple-Choice Images in Aphasia Batteries, Clipart Images and Images Designed to Control for Physical and Semantic Stimulus Properties. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hickin, Julie and Greenwood, Alison and Grassly, Jennie and Herbert, Ruth and Howard, David and Best, Wendy (2005) Therapy for word finding difficulties using phonological and orthographic cues: a clinical application in progress. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hill, Carol and Marquardt, Thomas (2005) The effects of right cerebral hemisphere damage on communication effectiveness and speech and language performance. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hird, Kathryn and Silvestri, Joanne and Dunn, John and Kirsner, Kim (2005) Aphasia classification: The relationship between objective measures of spontaneous speaking samples and naive listener judgments of similarity and fluency. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Horton, Simon (2005) Interactional challenges to the consistent enactment of therapy for language impairments in aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Kim, Mikyong (2005) Argument Structure Enhanced Verb Naming Treatment: Two Case Studies. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

King, Kristin and Hough, Monica and Vos, Paul (2005) Word Retrieval Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Implications for Categorical Deficits. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Lasker, Joanne and Garrett, Kathryn (2005) Measuring Potential to Use Alternative Communication Strategies: Dependent vs. Independent Communicators. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Lehman Blake, Margaret (2005) Tangential, egocentric, verbose language: Is it right hemisphere brain damage or normal aging? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Lehman Blake, Margaret and Lesniewicz, Kimberely (2005) Maintenance of inferences by adults with right brain damage. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Maas, Edwin and Robin, Donald A and Wright, David and Magnuson, Curt and Ballard, Kirrie (2005) Motor Programming in Apraxia of Speech and Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Martin, Nadine and Schwartz, Myrna and Kohen, Francinie (2005) Assessment of semantic processing of words in aphasia: A multi-measurement approach. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Matthews, Christine and Hula, William and Fossett, Tepanta and Doyle, Patrick and McNeil, Malcolm (2005) Auditory Comprehension and Visual-Manual Tracking Dual-Task Performance in Aphasia: Preliminary Findings. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Mauszycki, Shannon C and Dromey, Christopher and Wambaugh, Julie L (2005) Variability in Apraxia of Speech: A Perceptual, Acoustic, and Kinematic Analysis of Stop Consonants. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Mayer, Jamie and Murray, Laura and Ikuta, Toshikazu and Rey, Olga and Kean, Jacob (2005) Verbal Fluency in Aphasia and Right Hemisphere Brain damage: Qualitative Analysis Yields Relationship to General Cognitive Factors. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Murray, Laura and Mayer, Jamie and Kean, Jacob and Rey, Olga and Ikuta, Toshikazu (2005) Verbal Fluency in Aphasia and Right Hemisphere Brain Damage: The Effects of Dual-Task Conditions. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Nessler, Christina and Pinkowski, Jennifer and Wambaugh, Julie (2005) Linguistic Specific Treatment of wh- and NP movement Structures: A Systematic Replication. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Odekar, Anshula and Hallowell, Brooke (2005) Exploring Inter-rater Agreement in Scoring of the Revised Token Test. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Purdy, Mary (2005) Prediction of strategy usage by adults with aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Raymer, Anastasia and Kohen, Francine and Saffell, Diane (2005) Computerized Training for Impairments of Word Comprehension and Retrieval in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Rodriguez, Amy and Raymer, Anastasia and Gonzalez Rothi, Leslie (2005) Effects of Gesture and Semantic-Phonologic Treatments for Verb Retrieval. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Shadden, Barbara and Melton, Amanda (2005) The Impact on Message Language of Age, Perceived Deficit, and Belief that Communication will be Successful. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Stadie, Nicole and Schroeder, Astrid and Postler, Jenny and Lorenz, Antje and Swoboda, Maria and Burchert, Frank and De Bleser, Ria (2005) Treatment of sentence production in German agrammatism: a multiple single case study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Stanczak, Louise and Waters, Gloria and Caplan, David (2005) Typicality-based Differences in Treatment of Naming Deficits. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Thompson, Cynthia K and Bonakdarpour, Borna and Blumenfeld, Henrike and Fix, Stephen C and Parrish, Todd B and Gitelman, Darren R and Mesulam, Marsel M (2005) Neural Correlates of Verb Argument Structure Processing. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Varley, Rosemary and Windsor, Fay and Whiteside, Sandra (2005) Whole word therapy for acquired apraxia of speech. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Visch-Brink, Evy and El Hachioui, Hanane and Doesborgh, Suzanne and Dippel, Diederik and Koudstaal, Peter and Van De Sandt-Koenderman, Mieke (2005) Recovery of linguistic deficits in stroke patients: a three-year-follow-up study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Youse, Kathleen and Coelho, Carl (2005) Attentional Deficits and Conversational Discourse in Closed-Head Injury. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 07:15:39 2025 EDT.