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Number of items: 70.


Abou-Khalil, Rima and Schneider, Sandra (2009) A New Treatment for Aphasia? Borrowing from the Field of Foreign Language Learning. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Babbitt, Edna and Cherney, Leora and Heinemann, Allen and Semik, Patrick (2009) Using Rasch Analysis to Develop the Communication Confidence Rating Scale for Aphasia (CCRSA). [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Baldwin, Katherine and Kurland, Jacquie (2009) The effects of intensive language therapy on functional communication: A case study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Beeson, Pelagie and Rising, Kindle and Kim, Esther and O'Bryan, Erin and Rapcsak, Steven (2009) Examining a Treatment Continuum for Acquired Impairments of Reading and Spelling. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Brown, Jennifer and Jackson, Catherine (2009) Evaluating Communication Improvement after Constraint-Induced Aphasia Therapy. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Brownell, Hiram and Lundgren, Kristine and Milione, Janet and Kearns, Kevin (2009) Training Metaphor Interpretation in RHD Patients: Preliminary Results. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Castka, Karen and Abbanat, Ginette and Holland, Audrey and Szabo, Gretchen (2009) Potential benefits of participating in an aphasia theater program. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Cho, Soojin and Thompson, Cynthia K. (2009) What Goes Wrong during Passive Sentence Production in Agrammatic Aphasia: An Eyetracking Study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Choy, Jungwon and Holland, Audrey and Cole, Ronald and Thompson, Cynthia (2009) Sentactics®: A Virtual Treatment of Underlying Forms. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Code, Chris and Papathanasiou, Ilias and Rubio-Bruno, Silvia and Haaland-Johansen, Line and de la Paz Cabana, Maria and Villanueva, Maria Marta (2009) International Comparisons of the Public Awareness of Aphasia: Greece, Argentina and Norway. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Conway, Tim and Kendall, Diane and Gonzalez Rothi, Leslie and Crosson, Bruce (2009) Multi-modal Treatment of Phonological Alexia: Behavioral and Pilot fMRI Outcomes. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Davis, Christine and Baynes, Katheleen (2009) Comparison of implicit with standard methods of aphasia treatment. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Den Ouden, Dirk-Bart and Bonakdarpour, Borna and Fix, Steve and Garibaldi, Kyla and Parrish, Todd B. and Thompson, Cynthia K. (2009) Neural plasticity and treatment-induced recovery of sentence processing and production in agrammatism. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Derksen, Brenna and Duff, Melissa and Weldon, Kija and Tranel, Daniel and Denburg, Natalie (2009) Social and collaborative discourse reduces the adverse effect of age on learning and memory. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Dietz, Aimee and Sawyer, Erin and Peterson, Angela and McKelvey, Miechelle and Thiessen, Amber (2009) Moderate-severe, chronic aphasia: An exploration of the changes in social roles. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

del Toro, Christina M. and Johnson, Jessica and Velozo, Craig and Comer, Matthew and Malek, Katherine and Kendall, Diane L. (2009) The Development of a Standardized Assessment of Phonology in Aphasia: Creating Items to Test Repetition. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Edmonds, Lisa and Babb, Michelle (2009) Effect of Verb Network Strengthening Treatment (VNeST) on Lexical Retrieval in Sentences in Moderate-Severe Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Edmonds, Lisa and Quintero, Andreína (2009) Bilingual performance on Object and Action Naming Test: Preliminary normative data in Spanish and English. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Elman, Roberta and Endo, Takashi (2009) Aphasia intervention in Japan: International innovation and inspiration. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Eshel, Inbal and Frattali, Carol and Faroqi-Shah, Yasmeen (2009) Discourse measures of Prefrontal dysfunction: a pilot study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Faroqi-Shah, Yasmeen and Gassert, Juliette and Wood, Esther (2009) KISSING SLOWS LICKING: AN INVESTIGATION OF BODY PART OVERLAP IN VERB PRIMING. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Feiken, Judith (2009) Diagnostic Instrument Apraxia of Speech (DIAS). [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Fergadiotis, Gerasimos and Harris Wright, Heather and Shapiro, Lewis and Katz, Richard and Ross, Katherine (2009) Phonological Working Memory in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Fink, Ruth and Martin, Nadine and Berkowitz, Rebecca (2009) Interference and facilitation effects of semantic and phonological contextual priming: A treatment case study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Fitzgerald-DeJean, Donna and Rubin, Scott (2009) The Investigation of Treatment Outcomes for Adults with Chronic Brain Injury following Intensive Multidisciplinary Treatment. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Fleming, Valarie (2009) Discourse comprehension and aging: The mediating effects of executive function. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Fridriksson, Julius (2009) Brain damage associated with impaired repetition. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Goral, Mira and Rosas, Jason and Girbau, Dolors and Conner, Peggy S. and Obler, Loraine K. (2009) Language therapy effects on the treated and untreated languages of a multilingual person with aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Hallowell, Brooke (2009) Control and description of participant characteristics in published aphasia research: 1990-2008. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Henry, Maya and Beeson, Pelagie and Rapcsak, Steven (2009) Progressive Aphasia: Patterns of Language Behavior and Regional Cortical Atrophy. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Heuer, Sabine and Hallowell, Brooke (2009) Using a Novel Dual-Task Eye Tracking Method to Assess Attention Allocation in Individuals with and without Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hillis, Argye and Cloutman, Lauren (2009) Regions of Dysfunctional Neural Tissue Associated with Impairment of the Graphemic Buffer in Spelling. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Holland, Audrey and Forbes, Margaret and MacWhinney, Brian and Fromm, Davida and Harris Wright, Heather (2009) AphasiaBank: Preliminary Lexical, Morphosyntactic, and Error Analyses. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Howard, David and Rose, Miranda (2009) Is Busk and Serlin’s measure of therapy effect size d a suitable measure for use in therapy studies? Evidence from simulations. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hula, William and Donovan, Neila and Kendall, Diane and Gonzalez Rothi, Leslie (2009) Item Response Theory Analysis of the Western Aphasia Battery. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Hula, illiam and Austermann Hula, Shannon and Doyle, Patrick (2009) Patient-reported cognition and communication:. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Ivanova, Maria and Hallowell, Brooke (2009) Development and Empirical Evaluation of a Novel Working Memory Span Task for Individuals with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Jalil, Sajlia Binte and Tng, Siok Keng and Rickard Liow, Susan (2009) Semantic Assessment Battery for Malay-speaking Dysphasics. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Kagan, Aura and Simmons-Mackie, Nina and Cohen-Schneider, Rochelle and Podolsky, Lorraine and Shumway, Elysa (2009) Shumway. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Kendall, Diane L. and Del Toro, Christina and Johnson, Jessica and Ouimet-Waters, Sally and Velozo, Craig A. and Rosenbek, John C. and Nadeau, Stephen E. and Gonzalez Rothi, Leslie J. (2009) The Development of a Standardized Assessment of Phonology in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Lallini, Nicole and Miller, Nicholas (2009) Do phonological neighbourhood density and phonotactic probability influence speech output accuracy in acquired speech impairment? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Le, Karen and Mozeiko, Jennifer and Coelho, Carl and Krueger, Frank and Grafman, Jordan (2009) Language Impairment Associated with Lesions to Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex: Dynamic Aphasia? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Marie, Basem and Ramsberger, Gail (2009) Analysis of conversational features related to transactional success of persons with aphasia uing transcription-less coding method. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Martin, Nadine and Kohen, Francine and McCluskey, Meghan and Kalinyak-Fliszar, Michelene and Gruberg, Nick (2009) Treatment of a language activation maintenance deficit in Wernicke's aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

McNeil, Malcolm and Kim, Aelee and Sung, Jee Eun and Pratt, Sheila and Szuminsky, Neil and Doyle, Pat (2009) A comparison of left versus right hand, and mouse versus touchscreen access methods on the Computerized Revised Token Test. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Moss, Laura (2009) Functional Discourse and Quality of Life Changes Following Conversational Training in a Group Setting. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Munoz, Maria (2009) Adapting MIT to improve functional communication in a Spanish speaker with aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Nessler, Christina and Wambaugh, Julie and Wright, Sandra (2009) Effects of Response Elaboration Training on Increased Length and Complexity of Utterances with Two Participants with Fluent Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Orange, JB and Lubinski, Rosemary and Johnson, Andrew and Purves, Barbara and Small, Jeff (2009) Validity analyses of a measure of conversation in dementia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Orenstein, Ellen and Shisler Marshall, Rebecca (2009) EFFECTS OF MINDFULNESS MEDITATION ON THREE INDIVIDUALS WITH APHASIA. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Purdy, Mary and VanDyke, Julie (2009) Intermodal training to facilitate communication in aphasia: A pilot study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Raymer, Anastasia and Carwile, Kendall and Matthews, Margaret and Johnson, Tiffany and Todd, Erin (2009) MossTalk Training for Word Retrieval: Generalization Across Semantic Categories. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Rodriguez, Amy and Donovan, Neila and Glueckauf, Robert and Gustafson, David (2009) Clinical Utility of the Two-Factor FOQ-A Based on Item-Level Psychometric Analysis. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Rose, Miranda and Boo, Michelle (2009) The efficacy of semantic, repetition, and semantic-gesture treatments for aphasic verb retrieval deficits. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Salis, Christos and Edwards, Susan (2009) Treating written verb and written sentence production in an individual with aphasia: A clinical study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Sandberg, Chaleece and Kiran, Swathi (2009) Abstract and concrete noun processing in healthy older adults using fMRI. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Silkes, JoAnn and Rogers, Margaret (2009) Parameters of implicit priming in aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Simmons-Mackie, Nina and Cherney, Leora and Raymer, Anastasia and Armstrong, Beth and Holland, Audrey (2009) Communication Partner Training in Aphasia: A Critical Review. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Smith, Pamela (2009) Aging, Auditory Distraction and Grammaticality Judgment. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Strom, Kaye and Boutsen, Frank (2009) ARIMA procedures in single subject research: An evolution of best practices in statistical methodology. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Sung, Jee Eun and McNeil, Malcolm and Pratt, Sheila and Dickey, Mike and Szuminsky, Neil and Fassbinder, Wiltrud and Kim, Aelee and Doyle, Patrick (2009) Real-time Processing in Reading Sentence Comprehension for Normal Adult Individuals and Persons with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Szabo, Gretchen Beideman and Holland, Audrey and Welsh, Jessica (2009) Wii™-habilitation and aphasia groups: Systematic observation of communicative acts during four aphasia Wii™ groups. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Tauer, Chandra and Kurland, Jacquie (2009) iRehab: Use of videophone technology to promote maintenance following intensive language treatment. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Togher, Leanne and Power, Emma and Tate, Robyn and McDonald, Skye and Rietdijk, Rachel (2009) Inter-rater reliability of the Measure of Support in Conversation and Measure of Participation in Conversation (Kagan et al., 2004) adapted for people with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and their communication partners. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

True, Gala and Bartlett, Megan and Fink, Ruth and Linebarger, Marcia and Schwartz, Myrna (2009) “The Words Get Stuck in My Brain. It Helps Me Get Them Out:” Perspectives on an AAC Aid from Persons with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


van de Sandt, Mieke and vandermeulen, Ineke (2009) Measuring verbal and non-verbal communication in aphasia: reliability, validity and sensitivity to change of the Scenario Test. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Welsh, Jessica and Abbanat, Ginette and Szabo, Gretchen (2009) Development of an aphasia training program for medical residents. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

Worrall, Linda and Davidson, Bronwyn and Hersh, Deborah and Ferguson, Alison and Howe, Tami and Sherratt, Sue (2009) Meeting the needs of people with aphasia, their families and speech-language pathologists: tensions in the goal-setting process. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]


Youse, Kathleen and Gathof, Mackenzie and Bush, Heather and Fields, Rachel and Noffsinger, Jennifer (2009) Conversational Discourse: Attention Training following Closed Head Injury. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]

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