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Agan, Joseph P. and Hagstrom, Fran (2004) A Dialogical Approach to Aphasia Intervention. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Armstrong, Elizabeth (2004) Expressing Opinions and Feelings in Aphasia: Linguistic Options. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Austermann, S.N. and Maas, E. and Robin, D.A. and Ballard, K.J. and Schmidt, R.A. (2004) The Role of Feedback Frequency in the Treatment of Acquired Apraxia of Speech. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Avent, Jan and Glista, Sandra and Wallace, Sarah and Jackson, Jerrold and Nishioka, Jennifer and Yip, Winnie (2004) Family Information Needs about Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Blake, Margaret Lehman and Roseland, Kimberly S. (2004) Contextual Bias and Predictive Inferencing in Adults with and without Right Hemisphere Brain Damage. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Bourgeois, Michelle S. and Melton, Amanda (2004) Training Compensatory Memory Strategies via the Telephone for Persons with TBI. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Boyle, Mary (2004) Discourse Treatment for Word Retrieval Impairment in Chronic Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Bruce, Melissa C. and Coppens, Patrick and Short, Maria and Belin, Gayle (2004) Group Treatment for Stroke Survivors: A Psychosocial-Transactional Approach. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Cherney, Leora R. and Babbitt, Edna M. and Oldani, Jodi (2004) Cross-Modal Improvements during Choral Reading: Case Studies. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Code, Chris and Tree, Jeremy and Ball, Martin and Kay, Janice (2004) A Case of Progressive Non-aphasic, Non-dysarthric Speech Deterioration: Est –que apraxie de parole une? [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Coelho, Carl A. (2004) Direct Attention Training as a Treatment for Reading Impairment in Mild Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Copeland, Karen and Davis, Lori (2004) Computer Use in the Treatment of Aphasia: A Survey of Trends. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Cranfill, Tamara B. and Wright, Heather Harris and Newhoff, Marilyn (2004) The Impact of Increased Attentional Demands on Sentence Processing Performance in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Dickey, Michael Walsh and Thompson, Cynthia K. and Swinney, David (2004) Real Time Measures of Sentence Comprehension and Recovery in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Downey, Ryan A. and Wright, Heather Harris and Schwartz, Richard G. and Newhoff, Marilyn and Love, Tracy and Shapiro, Lewis P. (2004) Toward a Measure of Working Memory in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Doyle, Patrick J. and Hula, William D. and Mikolic, Joseph M. and McNeil, Malcolm R. (2004) Rasch Measurement of Patient -reported Communicative Functioning: Initial Development of an Item Bank. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Fox, Lynn E. and Poulsen, , Susan B. and Bawden, Kelly Clark and Packard, Darren and Ginley, Susan (2004) Critical Elements and Outcomes of a Residential Family-Based Intervention for Aphasia Caregivers. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Fridriksson, Julius and Morrow, Leigh (2004) Cortical Activation and Language Task Difficulty in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Fucetola, Robert and Tucker, Fran and Blank, Karen and Corbetta, Maurizio (2004) An Evidence-Based Aphasia Clinic: A Work in Progress. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Grice, Angela and Wright-Harp, W. (2004) The Narrative Performance of Adolescents and Emerging Adults. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Hallowell, Brooke and Lavin, Patrick and Crawford, Sherry (2004) Strategic Design of Protocols to Control and Describe Visual Functioning in Research on Aphasia and Related Disorders. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Hardin, Kathryn Y. and Ramsberger, Gail (2004) Attentional Training in Aphasia: A Case Study. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Heuer, Sabine and Hallowell, Brooke (2004) Eye Movement Indices and Subjective Ratings of Multiple-Choice Images in Aphasia Batteries. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Hickey, Ellen and Carey, Linda and Kostopoulos, Ellina (2004) Intensive Residential Aphasia Communication Therapy (InteRACT): Preliminary Outcomes. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Hickey, Ellen and Scott, Stephanie and Spicer, Rhonda (2004) Discourse Markers Used by a Person with Aphasia: Effects of Conversation Partner Training. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Hickey, Ellen M. and Rondeau, Gilbert (2004) Social Validation in Aphasiology: Does Judges’ Knowledge of Aphasia Matter? [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Hintgen, Thomas L. (2004) Diary Review of Participation and Choice in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Hird, Kathryn and Kirsner, Kim (2004) Classification of Aphasia using Objective Measures of Fluency in Spontaneous Speech. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Hirsch, Fabiane M. and Holland, Audrey L. (2004) Communication Needs versus Communication Reality in Nursing Homes: The Stories of Three Severely Aphasic Nursing Home Residents. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Holland, Audrey L. (2004) Life Coaching Approaches to Living Successfully with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Hopper, Tammy (2004) Learning by Individuals with Dementia: The Effects of Spaced-Retrieval Training. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Hula, William D. and Doyle, Patrick J. and Mikolic, Joseph M. and McNeil, Malcolm R. (2004) Rasch Modeling of Revised Token Test Performance: Construct Validity, Known-Groups Validity, and Sensitivity to Change. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Insalaco, Deborah and Benjamin, Dana (2004) A Case Study of Improved Verb Retrieval in Sentences: Nouns Helping Verbs? [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Kagan, Aura and Simmons-Mackie, Nina and Christie, Charlene O’Neill and Huijbregts, Maria and McEwen, Sara and Willems, Jacqueline (2004) Systems Change in Health Care: Access to Information and Decision Making for People with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Kean, Jacob and Murray, Laura (2004) Cognitive and Phonological Neighborhood Effects on Confrontation Verb Naming. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Kim, Mikyong and Leach, Teresa (2004) Verb Retrieval in Fluent Aphasia in Two Elicitation Contexts. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
King, Kristin A. and Hough, Monica S. and Walker, Marianna and Rastatter, Michael and Holbert, Don (2004) Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Effects on Naming in Word Retrieval and Discourse. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Kiran, Swathi and Tuchtenhagen, Julie (2004) Imageability Effects in Normal Bilingual Adults: Evidence from Naming to Definition and Semantic Priming Tasks. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Kurland, Jacquie and Baker, Errol H. and Naeser, Margaret A. and Doron, Karl and Martin, Paula I. and Seekins, Heidi E. and Bogdan, Andrew and Renshaw, Perry and Yergelun-Todd, Deborah (2004) Nonverbal Semantic Decisions in Severe, Global Aphasia: An fMRI Investigation with Test/Re-test Reliability. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Lasker, Joanne P. and LaPointe, Leonard L. and Kodras, Jan (2004) Helping a Professor with Aphasia Resume Teaching through Multimodal Approaches. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Manjula, R. and Patil, Gouri Shanker (2004) Declination of F0 in the Speech of Broca’s Aphasics: Reflection into Speech Planning? [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Marshall, Robert C. and Starch, Sandy A. and Cranfill, Tamara B. (2004) Providing Follow-up Services to Persons with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Matthews, Christine T. and McNeil, Malcolm R. and Hula, William D. and Rubinsky, Hillel J. and Fossett, Tepanta R.D. and Doyle, Patrick J. (2004) A Dual-Task Tool for Quantifying Normal Comprehension of Aphasic Connected Speech Production: A Constructive Replication. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Mayer, Jamie F. and Murray, Laura L. and Karcher, Laura A. (2004) Treatment of Anomia in Severe Aphasia: What Matters? [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
McCooey-O’Halloran, Robyn and Worrall, Linda and Code, Chris and Hickson, Louise (2004) Developing a Functional Communication Assessment for In-patients with Communication Disability. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Murray, Laura L. (2004) Semantic Processing in Aphasia and Right Hemisphere Brain Damage: The Effects of Increased Attention Demands. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Muñoz, Maria L. and Marquardt, Thomas P. (2004) The Performance of Bilingual Speakers of English and Spanish with and without Aphasia on the Short Version of the Bilingual Aphasia Test. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Odekar, Anshula and Hallowell, Brooke (2004) Considering Alternatives to Multidimensional Scoring in Language Comprehension Assessment. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Olness, Gloria S. and Ulatowska, Hanna K. and Carpenter, Claire and Williams, Lynne and Dykes, Julianna (2004) Toward Holistic Assessment of Narrative Quality: A Clinical Perspective. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Orjada, Sarah A. and Beeson, Pelagie M. and Finkbeiner, Leigh (2004) Concurrent Treatment of Reading and Spelling in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Penn, Claire (2004) A Case Study in Cultural Aphasiology: Training the Aphasia Clinician for the Multicultural Workplace. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Petheram, Brian and Parr, Susie and Newbery, James and Moss, Becky (2004) Internet Accessibility for People with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Purdy, Mary and Hindenlang, Jane (2004) Training Family Members of Persons with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Qualls, Constance Dean and Rosenfeld, Julie I. (2004) Do Higher Levels of Education Really Eliminate Cultural Bias on the Mini-Mental State Examination? [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Reilly, Jamie and Martin, Nadine and Grossman, Murray (2004) Verbal Learning in Semantic Dementia: Is Repeated Exposure a Useful Strategy? [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Richard, Angèle and Labelle, Sophie and Metthé, Lynn and Garcia, Linda J. (2004) A Priority Rating Scale Developed for an Adult Neurology Caseload. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Rogers, Margaret and Alarcon, Nancy (2004) Effects of Supported Communication Intervention on Conversational Symmetry and Partner Support. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Rose, Miranda (2004) A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Gesture and Verbal Treatments for Semantic, and Phonologic Noun Production Impairments. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Ross, Katherine B. and LaPointe, Leonard L. and Katz, Richard C. (2004) Aphasia, Loneliness, and Social Support. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Royal-Evans, Caroline and Marcus, Rick (2004) A Survey of the Use of Evidence-Based Practice in Treatment of Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Schneider, Sandra L. and Frens, Rachel A. (2004) A Motor-Based Treatment for Individuals with Acquired Apraxia of Speech. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Stevens, Sarah and Hickey, Ellen (2004) Participant Frames: The Management of Alternative Speaking Arrangements by an Individual with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Taylor,Jr., Merlin L. and Nance, Erin K. (2004) Decision Tree Meets Ockham's Razor: Problem Solving in the Differential Diagnosis of Acquired Epipleptiform Aphasia (AEA). [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Wambaugh, Julie L. and Duffy, Joseph R. and McNeil, Malcolm and Rogers, Margaret and Robin, Donald (2004) Treatment for Acquired Apraxia of Speech: A Summarization and Appraisal of the Evidence. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Wright, Heather Harris and Capilouto, Gilson J. and Davis, Jill E. and Silverman, Stacy W. (2004) A Quantitative Measure of Adults’ Structured Narratives: Development and Reliability. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Youmans, Gina and Holland, Audrey and Munoz, Maria (2004) Script Training and Automaticity in Two Individuals with Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Youse, Kathleen M. and Cienkowski, Kathleen M. (2004) The Effect of Context on Lipreading in Adults with Aphasia: A Follow-Up Study. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Youse, Kathleen M. and Coelho, Carl A. and Mozeiko, Jennifer L. (2004) Discourse Characteristics of Closed Head Injured and Non-Brain Injured Adults Misclassified by Discriminant Function Analyses. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
van de Sandt-Koenderman, Mieke W.E. and van Harskamp, Frans and Duivenvoorden, Hugo and Remerie, Sylvia and van der Voort, Yvonne and Wielaert, Sandra M. and Visch-Brink, Evy G. (2004) Predicting the Outcome of Linguistic Therapy for Aphasia: The Impact of Nonlinguistic Variables. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]