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UNSPECIFIED Conference Committee. [Clinical Aphasiology Front Matter]
UNSPECIFIED Contents. [Clinical Aphasiology Front Matter]
UNSPECIFIED Cover Pages. [Clinical Aphasiology Front Matter]
Aten, Jim (1983) Aphasia With and Without Adjectives - Introduction. [Clinical Aphasiology Panel]
Bayles, Kathryn A. and Tomoeda, Cheryl K. (1983) Confrontation and Generative Naming Abilities of Dementia Patients. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Bogdanoff, Michael G. and Katz, Richard C. (1983) Modification of the Cloze Procedure for Measuring Reading Levels in Aphasic Adults. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Bond, Sandra L. and Ulatowska, Hanna K. and Macaluso-Haynes, Sara and May, Erin Brown (1983) Disourse Production in Aphasia: Relationship to Severity of Impairment. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Burger, Linda H. and Wertz, Robert T. and Woods, David (1983) A Response to Treatment in a Case of Cortical Deafness. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Campbell, Thomas F. and McNeil, Malcolm R. (1983) Effects of Presentation Rate and Divided Attention on Auditory Comprehension in Acquired Childhood Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Collins, Michael and Wertz, Robert and Members, Study Group (1983) Coping with success: The maintenance of therapeutic effect in aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Darley, Frederic L. (1983) Aphasia With and Without Adjectives - Aphasia: With and Without Adjectives. [Clinical Aphasiology Panel]
Duffy, Joseph R. (1983) Aphasia With and Without Adjectives - Babies, Bathwater, and Monkeys. [Clinical Aphasiology Panel]
Furbacher, Ellen A. and Wertz, Robert T. (1983) Simulation of Aphasia by Wives of Aphasic Patients. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Gerratt, Bruce R. and Jones, Deborah (1983) Multiple Word Meaning and Semantic Organization in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Golper, Lee Ann and Rau, Marie T. (1983) Systematic Analysis of Cuing Strategies in Aphasia: Taking your "Cue" from the Patient. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Gravel, Jane S. and LaPointe, Leonard L. (1983) Length and Redundancy in Health Care Providers; Speech During Interactions with Aphasic and Nonaphasic Persons. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Haaland, K. York and Flaherty, David (1983) The Relationship of Limb Apraxia Severity to Motor and Language Deficits. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Hageman, Carlin F. and Lewis, Donna L. (1983) The Effects of Intrastimulus Pause on the Quality of Auditory Comprehension in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Holland, Audrey L. (1983) Aphasia With and Without Adjectives - Remarks on the Problems of Classifying Aphasic Patients. [Clinical Aphasiology Panel]
Holland, Audrey L. and Swindell, Carol S. and Fromm, Davida (1983) A Model Treatment Approach for the Acutely Aphasic Patient. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Hoodin, Ronald B. and Thompson, Cynthia K. (1983) Facilitation of Verbal Labeling in Adult Aphasia by Gestural, Verbal, or Verbal Plus Gestural Training. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Katz, Richard C. and Nagy, Vivian Tong (1983) A Computerized Approach for Improving Word Recognition in Chronic Aphasic Patients. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Kearns, Kevin P. and Simmons, Nina N. (1983) A Practical Procedure for the Grammatical Analysis of Aphasic Language Impairments: The LARSP. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Kimbarow, Michael L. and Brookshire, R. H. (1983) The Influence of Communicative Context on Aphasic Speakers' Use of Pronouns. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Lambrecht, Karen J. and Marshall, Robert C. (1983) Comprehension in Severe Aphasia: A Second Look. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Li, Edith C. and Canter, Gerald J. (1983) Phonemic Cuing: An Investigation of Subject Variables. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Linebaugh, Craig W. and Pryor, Ann P. and Margulies, Cheryl P. (1983) A Comparison of Picture Descriptions by Family Members of Aphasic Patients to Aphasic and Nonaphasic Listeners. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Matthews, Barbara A. J. and LaPointe, Leonard L. (1983) Slope and Variability of Performance on Selected Aphasia Treatment Tasks. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
McNeil, Malcolm R. and Wertz, Robert T. and Deal, Jon L. and Burkhard, Beth and Collins, Michael (1983) Aphasia: Can it be taught? Can it be caught? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Metter, Wayne R. and Riege, Walter H. and Hanson, Wayne R. and Kuhl, David E. and Phelps, Michael E. (1983) The use of (F-18)-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Computed Tomography in the Study of Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Milton, Sandra B. and Tunstall, Christine M. and Wertz, Robert T. (1983) Dysnomia: A Rose by any Other Name may Require Elaborate Description. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Mlcoch, Anthony G. and Beach, Woodford A. (1983) The Efficacy of Phonological Process Analysis for Apraxia of Speech. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Musselman, Karen M. and VanDemark, Ann A. (1983) The Role of Perceptual and Verbal Cues in Discrimination Learning, Concept-Shift Tasks in Aphasic and Normal Adults. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Nicholas, Linda E. and Brookshire, Robert H. (1983) Syntactic Simplification and Context: Effects on Sentence Comprehension by Aphasic Adults. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Peach, Richard K. and Tonkovich, John D. (1983) Subcortical aphasia: A report of three cases. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Pierce, Robert S. and Beekman, Lisa A. (1983) Effects of linguistic and extralinguistic context on semantic and syntactic processing in aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Ripich, Danielle N. and Terrell, Brenda Y. and Spinelli, Francesca (1983) Discourse Cohesion in Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Robin, Donald A. and Schienberg, Steven (1983) Isolated Thalamic Lesion and Aphasia: A Case Study. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Royall, Julia Bryan and Horner, Jennifer (1983) Acquisition and Generalization of Cued Speech by a Chronically Aphasic Adult. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Salvatore, Anthony P. and Trunzo, Mary Jane and Holtzapple, Pat and Graham, Lisa (1983) Investigation of the Sentence Hierarchy of the Helm Elicited Language Program for Syntax Stimulation. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Shewan, Cynthia M. (1983) Language Therapy and Aphasia: Improvement and Recovery. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Square, Paula A. and Mlcoch, Anthony G. (1983) The Syndrome of Subcortical Apraxia of Speech: An Acoustic Analysis. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Stevens, Elaine R. and Glaser, Laura E. (1983) Multiple Input Phoneme Therapy: An Approach to Severe Apraxia and Expressive Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Tonkovich, John D. and Peach, Richard K. (1983) Once is not Enough: Thoughts on Replication in Functional Analysis Research in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Ulatowska, Hanna K. (1983) Aphasia With and Without Adjectives - Aphasia With and Without Adjectives. [Clinical Aphasiology Panel]
Warren, Reg L. and Crossman, Bruce A. and Edwards, Susan (1983) The Validity of Testing Aphasic Patients with the Luria-Nebraska Battery: Preliminary Findings. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Wener, Deena L. and Duffy, Joseph R. (1983) The Sensitivity of the Reporter's Test to Expressive Language Disturbances. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Wertz, Robert T. (1983) Aphasia With and Without Adjectives - Classifying the Aphasias: Commodious or Chimerical? [Clinical Aphasiology Panel]