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UNSPECIFIED Announcement. [Clinical Aphasiology Front Matter]
UNSPECIFIED Conference Committee. [Clinical Aphasiology Front Matter]
UNSPECIFIED Contents. [Clinical Aphasiology Front Matter]
UNSPECIFIED Cover Pages. [Clinical Aphasiology Front Matter]
LaPointe, Leonard L. Doors, Mole Crickets, and Life After Puberty: Welcome and Opening Remarks. [Clinical Aphasiology Front Matter]
Adamovich, Brenda L. and Brooks, Roberta L. (1981) A Diagnostic Protocol to Assess the Communication Deficits of Patients with Right Hemisphere Damage. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Brookshire, R. H. and Nicholas, L. E. (1981) Comparison of Spoken Sentence Pairs by Aphasic and Non-Brain-Damaged Subjects. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Buckingham, Hugh W. (1981) A Pre-History of the Problem of Broca's Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Buckley, Craig E. and Noll, J. Douglas (1981) Lexical Parameters Affecting Sentence Recall by Adult Aphasic Patients. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Chwat, Sam and Gurland, Gail B. (1981) Comparative Family Perspectives on Aphasia: Diagnostic, Treatment, and Counseling Implications. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Deal, Jon L. and Wertz, Robert T. and Spring, Carl (1981) Differentiating Aphasia and the Language of Generalized Intellectual Impairment. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Dowden, Patricia A. and Marshall, Robert C. and Tompkins, Connie A. (1981) Amer-Ind Sign as a Communicative Facilitator for Aphasic and Apraxic Patients. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Ewanowski, Stanley J. and Cariski, Denise and Rosenbek, Jay (1981) Another View of Amobarbital Induced Speech and Language Disturbances. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Florance, Cheri L. (1981) Methods of Communication Analysis used in Family Interaction Therapy. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Helm-Estabrooks, Nancy (1981) "Show Me The ------ Whatever": Some Variables Affecting Auditory Comprehension Scores of Aphasic Patients. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Horner, Jennifer and Rothi, Leslie (1981) Variability of Performance on The Porch Index of Communicative Ability. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Irwin, John A. (1981) A View From Within: Experience With Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Kearns, Kevin P. (1981) Interobserver Reliability Procedures in Applied Aphasia Research: A Review with Suggestions for Change. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Larkins, Patricia G. and Webster, Elizabeth J. (1981) The Use of Gestures in Dyads Consisting of an Aphasic and a Nonaphasic Adult. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Linebaugh, Craig W. and Young-Charles, Harriet Y. (1981) Confidence in Ratings of Aphasic Patients' Functional Communication: Spouses and Speech-Language Pathologists. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Loverso, Felice L. and Prescott, Thomas E. (1981) The Effect of Alerting Signals on Left Brain Damaged (Aphasic) and Normal Subjects' Accuracy and Response Time to Visual Stimuli. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Matthews, Barbara A.J. and LaPointe, Leonard L. (1981) Determining Rate of Change and Predicting Performance Levels in Aphasia Therapy. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Milton, Sandra B. and Wertz, Robert T. and Katz, Richard C. and Prutting, Carol A. (1981) Stimulus Saliency in the Sorting Behavior of Aphasic Adults. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Myers, Penelope S. and Linebaugh, Craig W. (1981) Comprehension of Idiomatic Expressions by Right-Hemisphere-Damaged Adults. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Newhoff, Marilyn and Bugbee, Judith K. and Ferreira, Adele (1981) A Change of PACE: Spouses as Treatment Targets. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Peach, Richard K. (1981) Methodological Issues in the Evaluation of Auditory Comprehension in Aphasia by Metalinguistic and Sentence Verification Procedures. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Porch, Bruce E. and Callaghan, Sheelagh (1981) Making Predictions About Recovery: Is There HOAP? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Rosenbek, Jay and McNeil, Malcolm and Teetson, Merle and Odell, Katharine and Collins, Michael (1981) A Syndrome of Neuromotor Speech Deficit and Dysgraphia? [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Salvatore, Anthony P. and Blackwood, Daniel and Sachdev, Jaswant (1981) The Effects of Dexamethasone on Cognitive, Speech, and Language Behavior: A Model for the Study of Recovery of Function. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Sanders, Sara B. and Davis, G. Albyn and Wells, Roberta (1981) Influence of the Preposition in Language Comprehension Subtests of the Pica. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Square, Paula A. and Darley, Frederic L. and Sommers, Ronald K. (1981) Speech Perception Among Patients Demonstrating Apraxia of Speech, Aphasia, and Both Disorders. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Stanton, Karen M. and Yorkston, Kathryn M. and Kenyon, V. Talley and Beukelman, David R. (1981) Language Utilization in Teaching Reading to Left Neglect Patients. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Thompson, Cynthia K. and Kearns, Kevin P. (1981) An Experimental Analysis of Acquisition, Generalization, and Maintenance of Naming Behavior in a Patient with Anomia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Tonkovich, John D. and Berman, Marilyn S. (1981) Use of the Two-Alternative Forced-Choice Paradigm in Training Aphasic Error Recognition. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Ulatowska, Hanna K. and North, Alvin J. and Haynes, Sara Macaluso (1981) Production of Discourse and Communicative Competence in Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Warren, R. Lawrence and Datta, Kapal D. (1981) The Return of Speech 4-1/2 Years Post Head Injury: A Case Report. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Wertz, Robert T. and Deal, Leslie M. and Deal, Jon L. (1981) Clinical Significance of the PICA High-Low Gap. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Williams, Sarah E. and Canter, Gerald J. (1981) On the Assessment of Naming Disturbances in Adult Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Wolfe, Victoria and Florance, Cheri L. and Mendelowitz, David and Evans, William (1981) Cognitive Changes Post Carotid Endarterectomy. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Yorkston, Kathryn M. and Stanton, Karen M. and Beukelman, David R. (1981) Language-based Compensatory Training for Closed Head Injured Patients. [Clinical Aphasiology Paper]
Duffy, Joseph R. (1981) What is Aphasia? [Clinical Aphasiology Round Table Discussion]
Horner, Jennifer and Heyman, Albert (1981) Language Changes Associated with Alzheimer's Dementia. [Clinical Aphasiology Round Table Discussion]
Kitselman, Kurt P. and Deal, Jon L. and Wertz, Robert T. (1981) The Application of Statistical Analysis to Single-case Designs. [Clinical Aphasiology Round Table Discussion]
McNeil, Malcolm R. (1981) Auditory Comprehension in Aphasia: A Language Deficit or Reduced Efficiency of Processes Supporting Language? [Clinical Aphasiology Round Table Discussion]
Tompkins, Connie A. and Golper, Lee Ann C. and Lambrecht, Karen J. and Marshall, Robert C. and Nishimura, Robert (1981) Persisting Language Deficit and the Minor Broca Syndrome: A Case Report. [Clinical Aphasiology Abstract]
Aten, Jim and Kushner-Vogel, Deanie and Haire, Ann and West, Joyce Fitch and O' Connor, Sally and Bennett, Lillian (1981) Group Treatment for Aphasia. [Clinical Aphasiology Panel]
Davis, Albyn and Myers, Penelope and Adamovitch, Brenda and Yorkston, Kathryn (1981) Treatment of Right Hemisphere Damaged Patients. [Clinical Aphasiology Panel]